Can you believe I’ve never made a casserole before?!
I was feeling inspired last night and in the mood for something vegetarian and Mexican, and here’s what I came up with! The secret ingredient? Hummus. Makes it creamy without needing cheese!
I can’t believe how quick, easy, and delicious (and healthy!) this was. I see lots more casseroles in my future 🙂
Quick and Easy Mexican Brown Rice Casserole
Inspired by Caitlin’s Cheeseless Pasta Bake
(makes 4 servings)
- 2 C cooked brown rice (I used a whole package of 90 second brown rice)
- 3 eggs, beaten
- 1/2 C black beans
- 1/2 C hummus
- 1/2 C chunky salsa
- Half a large green pepper, chopped
- 1 tsp. pepper
- 1 tsp. chili powder
- Sprinkle of salt
Preheat oven to 375.
Combine all ingredients in a large bowl. Pour mix into a non-stick or sprayed baking pan/casserole dish.
Bake for 25 to 30 minutes, or until egg is firm. Enjoy 🙂
Quick and Easy Mexican Brown Rice Casserole

This "dump and bake" casserole is easy to make and packed with nutrients.
- 2 C cooked brown rice (I used a whole package of 90 second brown rice)
- 3 eggs, beaten
- 1/2 C black beans
- 1/2 C hummus
- 1/2 C chunky salsa
- Half a large green pepper, chopped
- 1 tsp. pepper
- 1 tsp. chili powder
- Sprinkle of salt
Preheat oven to 375.
- Combine all ingredients in a large bowl. Pour mix into a non-stick or sprayed baking pan/casserole dish.
- Bake for 25 to 30 minutes, or until egg is firm. Enjoy 🙂
I simply tossed the asparagus in a drizzle of olive oil, and then sprinkled on some salt and pepper. Tossed them in the oven with the casserole (at 375) for about 18 minutes. Simple and delicious! This will be a repeat recipe from now on as well!
Have you ever made a casserole before? What’s your favorite casserole? (Please feel free to share links!)
You know what I also love about casseroles? Leftovers. I just packed up a piece of the casserole for lunch today:
Along with some grapes and baby carrots:
And a simple salad with mixed greens, a little goat cheese, and avocado — with a little baggie of balsamic vinaigrette in the top!
Afternoon snacks will be a pineapple Chobani:
And a beautiful piece of my Fresh Cranberry and Walnut Pumpkin Bread from yesterday. Yum!
All ready to go:
I always pack a lot of afternoon snacks because I have to eat lunch early on Tuesdays/Thursdays to get to my second class of the day (starts at 12:30) on time. Not being prepared with enough snacks in the past has ended up with me buying a massively overpriced Clif bar or something in the University snack shop — not worth it! 🙂
It’s another rainy and humid day here in NC — but we’ve been promised that fall weather will return tomorrow. I can’t wait… especially since Matt and I will be staying here in Chapel Hill this weekend for the first time in… a month?! I’m thinking besides Halloween festivities, perhaps a hike will be in order 🙂 Anyway, I took advantage of the weather grossness and did an awesome internal speed workout on the treadmill (in my apartment’s tiny gym) this morning — working my way from 6.5 mph to 8.5 mph in 0.5 mph increments, repeat, repeat, repeat. No real plan, just whatever I felt like doing — usually I spent about 30 seconds to a minute at each speed level. I did that for 20 minutes and then a more chill 20 minutes on the elliptical. I was VERY sweaty so I think it worked 🙂
I’m off to school — have a wonderful day!