Hello, hello! I’ve got another random Friday post for you all today. First up: a painting date night!

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I mentioned in a previous post that instead of doing Christmas gifts, Matt and I each planned out a month of weekly date nights (Matt took January and I took February). Matt’s last date night he planned for us, earlier this week, was a wine and paint night at Muse Paintbar in Ballston!
We went to Muse for a date night last January, too, and loved it. So fun to go back again and embrace our inner artists.

Before our painting fun, we grabbed a quick dinner at Bartaco, also in the Ballston mall. It was our first time eating there and it was yummy! The pork belly taco was our fave, and we also loved their guacamole.

I had their green juice margarita and it was really good – not too sweet!
In other food news, we’ve been enjoying lots of stir fry meals lately as Matt got a new wok for Christmas! This was a Blue Apron (<- affiliate link for a discount) meal with ground pork, noodles, and broccoli that was delicious – they always do Asian dishes well.

In lunch news, I have a new favorite sandwich (which is actually my 6 year old Riese’s favorite sandwich, too) – hummus + dill pickle + turkey + microgreens. It’s so simple and quick to throw together, and such a delicious combo. Give it a shot!

On to the fitness – I had a fun run date last weekend with my college friend Kathleen. Due to work, travel, various sicknesses, and kid schedules we hadn’t made it out for a run together since September – way too long!

We met up at Roosevelt Island to start our run (along with everyone else in the DC area – it was absolutely mobbed on such a beautiful Saturday morning, especially since the weekend before was basically arctic) but decided to run over Memorial Bridge into DC for the first time in awhile. Typically we do an out and back staying on the Virginia side of the Mt. Vernon Trail, so it was fun to mix it up!
Hello, reflecting pool + Washington Monument… you’re looking well.

We made it 4 miles which was my longest run in awhile. My typical weekday loops these days are more in the 2-3 mile range. It felt good!

I hope all of you have a nice weekend – catch you back here next week!
What’s your favorite sandwich right now?
Anyone else a fan of the wine + paint studios?